www.SuperGrowPlants.com Its safe and discreet and very fast delivery! BREAKING NEWS visit my new web-site http See my tips and grow guides. Do some shopping or Join the Forums and post your grows! Buy SUPER FOLIAGE SPRAY used on this plant! only .99 + shipping Ultra concentrated 4 oz bottle mixes into four quarts of water for 1 gallon of SUPER SPRAY!!! Contains Minerals and Trace Elements, Multi-Vitamins, Kelp and all essential nutrients for explosive growth. This stuff is like steroids for plants. Can save a sick or dieing plant. Can help clones and damaged plants. Helps prevent transplant shock. Increases photosynthesis and root growth. This stuff is amazing. Grows super bushy and lots of branches. How to grow Marijuana, cannabis, weed, ganja, herb This is an amazing plant. The strain is Ogre. I decided I wanted to downgrade my Veg. room wattage from a 150 watt HPS to a 23 watt cfl 2700K color. I did this to save electricity and figured I would grow one mother for clones. I also decided I would not feed the plant nutrients in the soil. So I made my own super foliar spray. I kept the soil moist with water but only fed with nutrients by spraying the leaves. The 23 watt cfl was on a timer for 18 hour days. The amazing results after about 5 weeks were so great. I started counting the tops and bud sites and lost count at 100. So I gave up counting. I could easily take 50 clones from this small plant but only took 5. I will flower this plant. I cannot imagine the harvest ...
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